I Have A Dream

T. Casanova's dream journal. I have crazy dreams and I want to write about them. That's it, nothing special.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

I Have A Dream

My obsession with blogging continues. I always seem to have vivid, crazy dreams. Sometimes I can remember them, other times I can't. What I'm trying to do here is to record these dreams in a journal format. I am aware that they may not make any sense, but I still want to be able to look back at them and try to analyze them. If you want to provide analysis, that's cool. If you just want a glimpse at how my mind works, I'm okay with that too. If you don't give a flying f*ck what I dream about, that also works for me. I know it sounds cliche but this blog is really for me. I wont be advertising this or telling you to check it out. I may not even be posting regularly. We'll just see how it goes. If you do read, expect misspelling and stream of consciousness writing, because I have to jot these thoughts down before they leave my mind. Now that that's out of the way, welcome to I HAVE A DREAM.

And then I woke up.


Blogger 4EverJennayNay said...


interesting. i'll stop by every once in a while to see whats poppin over here.

im finding that very rarely are 2nd blogs ever propperly attended to. at least thats the case with me.

Sun Jul 16, 06:44:00 PM  
Blogger i like liquor and tv said...

this place is scurry...I'm leavin

Mon Jul 17, 04:32:00 PM  
Blogger Superstar Nic said...

I can't wait to here more about your dreams ;-)

Mon Jul 17, 08:57:00 PM  
Blogger Rashan Jamal said...

umm. how did you find this so quick? I didnt even link it

Tue Jul 18, 12:40:00 AM  

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